Tuning in With Serenity Session
90 minutes - $120
The connection between the Body and the Mind is where our true healing takes place. This session combines a unique combination of bodywork and purposeful coaching conversation that is designed to give voice to the body so that you can live more connected within yourself and make empowered choices in your life.
Your body has the answers you are searching for and during this session, we connect with it and allow it to bring forth those answers. You will gain a better understanding of the pain, frustrations, and challenges you are facing with your body and your life. With the connection of the body and mind, we will give you an action plan to help you implement powerful changes in your life.
Cupping Massage
60 minutes - $75
90 minutes - $95
Cupping Therapy employs negative pressure, rather than tissue compression, for superior results.
Suction Cup Therapy is a traditional, time-honored treatment that remains favored by millions of people worldwide because it's safe, comfortable and remarkably effective for many health disorders.
This session can bring clarity to areas of stress, anxiousness, muscle pain and restriction, self-doubt, burn-out, core values and boundaries, awareness of self-care and intuitive skills. We will focus on learing to embrace what you desire in your life.
By creating suction and negative pressure, this therapy releases rigid soft tissue, drains excess fluids and toxins, loosens adhesions, lifts connective tissue, and brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles.
What to expect in your Personalized Session:
Your session can be with or without bodywork. We will start with a conversation to discuss what you would like to work on, which may include any combination of gentle and therapeutic bodywork using massage cups, deep breathing, visualization, CranialSacral therapy, essential oils, energy balancing and fascia release. Each session is customized to what you want to work on during the session.
CranioSacral Therapy
60 minutes - $80 |
CranioSacral Therapy is a light-touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your health. It release tensions and restrictions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.Every day your body absorbs stresses and strains, but it can only handle so much tension before the tissues begin to tighten. This can affect the brain and spinal cord which compromises the function of the central nervous system and nearly every other system in your body.As you relax fully clothed on the table, your therapist works with your CranioSacral System - the soft tissue and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord. The therapist will feel for a rhythm of the fluid and then use delicate manual techniques to release the problem areas and improve the form and function of the central nervous system.CranioSacral Therapy can help with many issues, including: migraine headaches, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension related problems, motor-coordination impairments, brain and spinal cord injuries, scoliosis, alzheimer's and dementia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders, TMJ syndrome, autism, ADD, ADHD, central nervous system disorders, immune disorders, orthopedic problems, learning disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder and more.
Raindrop Therapy
60 minutes - $85
Raindrop Therapy is a non-invasive treatment of aromatherapy, gentle massage and moist heat using therapeutic grade, Young Living essential oils. These oils are applied to the feet and spine like drops of rain and then worked into the spinal muscles.
The benefits of Raindrop Therapy go well beyond the physical benefits of massage. Since its adoption in 1989, users all over the world have reported benefits of relaxation, emotional release, tissue cleansing and help with spinal misalignments.
Some of the many benefits of Raindrop
Therapy: Reduces pain & inflammation, improves circulation, helps prevent the bacterial and viral causes of spinal misalignments, helps relieve stress, improves immune function, facilitates the release of pent-up emotions.
Raindrop Therapy can not only help relieve pain and restore immediate physical well-being, but it can set in motion healing processes that will last for weeks or even months.
Ionic Foot Detoxification
30 minutes - $35
Experience a relaxing 30-minute treatment with your feet soaking in a bowl of warm salted water, while an energized cartridge delivers a unique pulsed charge into the water. The micro charge starts an electrolytic process, which creates magnetic field charging ions in the spa bowl.
Body fluids contain a collection of positively and negatively charged ions. When we are unwell this is usually due to a toxic build up and our body organs do not function correctly. By introducing charged ions we increase blood flow and renew our equilibrium to maintain optimum health.
Benefits include a soothing effect on cells, tissue and nerves, improved circulation, relaxed muscle tissue, a decrease in pain, soreness, stiffness, and swelling, improvement in psoriasis, eczema, lymph edema, leg edema, hyper hydrosis (sweaty hands and feet), lymphatic gland drainage, skin conditions and blemishes, strengthened immunity from colds and sinus problems, improvement in headaches and migraines, improvement in bad breath and body odor, increased energy levels.
© 2012 SERENITY Health Spa, Cedar Rapids, IA, 319.560.3465